
Safeguarding Young People & Vulnerable Adults Policy 
As a work-based learning provider Associated Neighbour Training recognises its responsibilities for Safeguarding as detailed in “Associated Neighbour Training – Safeguarding Guidelines” within the Learner Handbook. All staff working with children & vulnerable adults must have a current enhanced DBS certificate. All staff must undertake certificated Safeguarding & Prevent training.
It is ANT’s Policy that every student has the right to be happy, safe and secure. We are committed to this Policy and it is reflected in our work with students and employers. It is our aim to ensure that all our students have confidence in our employees and believe that they will do everything they can to keep children and young people (those under the age of 18) and vulnerable adults safe from harm. ANT has a Policy of zero tolerance relating to any behaviour that may abuse or harm any of our students or employees. For the purpose of this policy the Safeguarding Officer will be referred to as the Designated Person.

ANT Training Personnel 
Apprentices and Students often build strong relationships with ANT employees and may confide in them. Our employees are constantly vigilant to any indications of abuse and follow a strict procedure in the event of being alerted to potential problems. This involves formally and confidentially recording any incidents to the senior team and fully cooperating with relevant specialist agencies, when necessary. Employee update training takes place with CPD and includes changes to legislation and how to work with young and vulnerable adult apprentices. All training is documented on Continued Professional development (CPD) logs for each employee. It is ANT’s Policy that all employees and managers who come into direct contact with students and are deemed to have regulated activity with those apprentices will have an enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check. Employees are registered with the Independent Safeguarding Authority in compliance with the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. Employees that are not student facing or that do not see students under the definition of regulated activity, will have a Basic DBS check completed. 

Incident Reporting
ANT’s organisation structure includes the role of centre manager and Operations Manager. These role holders are experienced Safeguarding, completing recognised training. Part of their responsibilities include monitoring all aspects of work relating to young and vulnerable adult students, recording incidents and training as well as providing support and guidance to ANT employees. Operations manager is the appointed person (Designated Person) responsible for all aspects of safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults. The operations manager can be contacted on 01883 742032.

The Safe Student 
At initial sign up an ANT employee will complete the Health & Safety Standard 10 Assessment with students under 19 and vulnerable adult students. These employees are competent and trained in Safeguarding. The assessment is shared with the student’s Line Manager and where necessary a plan of additional support, supervision and training is agreed and documented. A copy of Health & Safety Standard 10 Assessment is retained on the student file. At every subsequent visit Skills Tutors speak to young people and vulnerable adult students to ensure their welfare is safeguarded. They will ask questions and make observations which are recorded on the visit report. 

Employers and students are informed about the requirements to report incidents and concerns related to safeguarding to ANT as well as the normal authorities for all Educations & Skills Funding Agency funded students. Employers and / or apprentices can report incidents or concerns directly to the Operation manager or to their ANT trainer. At every visit ANT trainers check with their students to establish if any incidents related to safeguarding have occurred and this is recorded on the visit report. Where concerns arise or incidents have occurred a report must be made by the trainer to the Operations Manager.

When a report is received an investigation will commence. The investigation will consider if the age and vulnerability of the student contributed to the incident. Depending upon the outcome further risk assessments and supervision arrangements may be put in place. The investigation process will: • Gather information • Analyse information • Identify risk control measures • Implement an action plan • Monitor and evaluate actions Where an incident has occurred, regular contact will be maintained between the Operations Manager and the trainer. ANT may make a report to relevant agencies if necessary.

Confidentiality & Data Protection
All information and data gathered regarding vulnerable students is treated in strictest confidence. Data is kept securely on student files and is supplied to the Education & Skills Funding Agency and their auditors as required, for the purpose of accessing funding for student programmes and the auditing of that funding. 

Harassment & bullying:
 • If relevant refer student to their employer’s grievance procedure • Support student with interview if required by the student and permitted by the employer (complete a report on the meeting and forward to Operations Manager) • If not relevant to work suggest the student finds someone to confide in, encourage them to talk to their GP or to a confidential helpline (complete a report on the meeting and forward to Operations Manager as detailed above) • Discuss situation with the apprentice at each visit.
• If relevant refer student to their employer’s grievance procedure • Support the apprentice with interview if required and permitted by the employer (complete a report on the meeting and forward to the OM as detailed above) • If not relevant to work note clearly everything on the screen relating to an inappropriate text message or image, to include the date, time and names. Make a transcript of a spoken message, again record date, times and names. • Suggest the student finds someone to confide in, encourage them to talk to their GP or to a confidential helpline (complete a report on the meeting and forward to Director of HR as detailed above) • Discuss situation with student at each visit.
Unsafe practice
• Immediately stop the observation you are undertaking with the apprentice and explain the reasons why • Record the incident on the Visit Report • Inform the apprentices manager • Agree action plan for further training and support and record this • Inform the OM.

ANT is determined to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect those children, young people and adults who participate in learning programmes from harm together. This includes colleagues who work for us. Every colleague has a responsibility for safeguarding our students. We are all responsible for supporting Prevent and reporting suspicions of any student being radicalised.

All staff working with children and young people and vulnerable adults must:
• Be Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked
• Maintain confidentiality
• Give highest priority to their welfare
• Recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people and vulnerable adults
• Respond appropriately to disclosure by a child, young person or vulnerable adult of abuse
• Respond appropriately to allegations against staff, other adults, and against themselves
• Act appropriately during assessment and understand safe practice in carrying out their duties
• Be alert to the risks which abusers, or potential abusers, may pose
• Be aware of the importance of the role of our services in promoting the welfare of children 
• Contribute as necessary to all stages of our safeguarding and protection processes 
• Be available at all times for advice and guidance
• Access Safeguarding training to achieve appropriate qualification
• Maintain knowledge and understanding on Health and Safety legislation and Equality and Diversity
• Undergo Prevent training and maintain knowledge and understanding for identifying and reporting any issues, particularly concerning extreme views and potential radicalisation. ANT is determined to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect those children, young people and adults who participate in learning programmes from harm
• All learners to undertake certificated Prevent training
• Bring to the attention of the learner ANT’s Safeguarding and Prevent reporting process.
We are all responsible for supporting safeguarding and Prevent and reporting any incidences or concerns including suspicions of any learner being radicalised.
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